openstack 在创建虚拟机的过程中最后需要通过glance-image来创建虚拟机的disk文件,具体代码在/nova/virt/libvrit.py的_create_image中,这个创建过程说实话有点蛋疼,我感觉逻辑不是特别清晰,而且有些方法的命名也起到了很好的误导人的作用,所以只能猜测_create_image这个方法是一个做运维的兄弟写的:^)。这几天频繁的被一个同事吐槽,openstack架构太烂,各种烂,该耦合拆分了,该拆分的耦合了,各种不懂op的developer在做着devops的工作,结果就是不懂op的写代码,不懂写代码的最后负责op,最后让大家用来各种不顺手,所以就有了专门做openstack的服务的公司,而且还可以活的很大并且获得了大家认可,当然前提是在米国,在天朝,算了,还是开始分析一下这个create_image流程吧。
# image_backend = Backend() #file at: /nova/virt/libvrit/ # Backend().image() return Qcow2() def image ( fname , image_type = FLAGS . libvirt_images_type ): return self . image_backend . image ( instance [ 'name' ], fname + suffix , image_type ) # 这个root_fname 就是/var/lib/nova/instance/_base/<root_fname>那个cache文件名 # root_fname = hashlib.sha1(image_uuid).hexdigest() image ( 'disk' ) . cache ( fetch_func = libvirt_utils . fetch_image , context = context , filename = root_fname , size = size , image_id = disk_images [ 'image_id' ], user_id = instance [ 'user_id' ], project_id = instance [ 'project_id' ]) # 看一下cache方法: def cache ( self , fetch_func , filename , size = None , * args , ** kwargs ): """Creates image from template. Ensures that template and image not already exists. Ensures that base directory exists. Synchronizes on template fetching. :fetch_func: Function that creates the base image Should accept `target` argument. :filename: Name of the file in the image directory :size: Size of created image in bytes (optional) """ @utils.synchronized ( filename , external = True , lock_path = self . lock_path ) def call_if_not_exists ( target , * args , ** kwargs ): if not os . path . exists ( target ): fetch_func ( target = target , * args , ** kwargs ) if not os . path . exists ( self . path ): base_dir = os . path . join ( FLAGS . instances_path , '_base' ) if not os . path . exists ( base_dir ): utils . ensure_tree ( base_dir ) base = os . path . join ( base_dir , filename ) self . create_image ( call_if_not_exists , base , size , * args , ** kwargs ) # 再看看create_image方法: class Qcow2 ( Image ): def __init__ ( self , instance , name ): super ( Qcow2 , self ) . __init__ ( "file" , "qcow2" , is_block_dev = False ) self . path = os . path . join ( FLAGS . instances_path , instance , name ) def create_image ( self , prepare_template , base , size , * args , ** kwargs ): @utils.synchronized ( base , external = True , lock_path = self . lock_path ) def copy_qcow2_image ( base , target , size ): qcow2_base = base if size : size_gb = size / ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) qcow2_base += '_ % d' % size_gb if not os . path . exists ( qcow2_base ): with utils . remove_path_on_error ( qcow2_base ): libvirt_utils . copy_image ( base , qcow2_base ) disk . extend ( qcow2_base , size ) libvirt_utils . create_cow_image ( qcow2_base , target ) prepare_template ( target = base , * args , ** kwargs ) # NOTE(cfb): Having a flavor that sets the root size to 0 and having # nova effectively ignore that size and use the size of the # image is considered a feature at this time, not a bug. if size and size < disk . get_disk_size ( base ): LOG . error ( ' % s virtual size larger than flavor root disk size % s' % ( base , size )) raise exception . ImageTooLarge () with utils . remove_path_on_error ( self . path ): copy_qcow2_image ( base , self . path , size )
1. fetch_img from glance and save it to _base named to <cache_id>.part
2. if img format not raw then run: qemu-img convert -O raw /var/lib/nova/instances/_base/<cache_id>.part /var/lib/nova/instances/_base/<cache_id>.converted
3. rm <cache_id>.part
4. rename <cache_id>.converted to <cache_id>
5. copy_qcow2_img at _base: cp <cache_id> to <cache_id>_<root_disk_size>
6. disk.extend(<cache_id>_<root_disk_size>, root_disk_size)
7. create_cow_img: qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o backing_file=<cache_id>_<root_disk_size> /var/lib/nova/instances/instance-xxxxxxxx/disk
1. 删除_base的下的cache,cache_id和image的对应关系如下:
root_fname = hashlib.sha1(image_id).hexdigest()
2. 修改数据库image对应的checksum,可以写个工作或者直接md5sum一下
glance image-update <uuid> --checksum=xxxxxxxx
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*-coding=utf-8-*- import hashlib import sys def chunkreadable ( iter , chunk_size = 65536 ): """ Wrap a readable iterator with a reader yielding chunks of a preferred size, otherwise leave iterator unchanged. :param iter: an iter which may also be readable :param chunk_size: maximum size of chunk """ return chunkiter ( iter , chunk_size ) if hasattr ( iter , 'read' ) else iter def chunkiter ( fp , chunk_size = 65536 ): """ Return an iterator to a file-like obj which yields fixed size chunks :param fp: a file-like object :param chunk_size: maximum size of chunk """ while True : chunk = fp . read ( chunk_size ) if chunk : yield chunk else : break def cacl_md5 ( img_path ): checksum = hashlib . md5 () bytes_written = 0 with open ( img_path , 'r' ) as f : for buf in chunkreadable ( f , 65536 ): bytes_written += len ( buf ) checksum . update ( buf ) checksum_hex = checksum . hexdigest () print " % s = % s" % ( img_path , checksum_hex ) return checksum_hex def main ( uuid ): cacl_md5 ( "/var/lib/glance/images/ % s" % uuid ) if __name__ == "__main__" : """usage: python <image-uuid>""" main ( sys . argv [ 1 ])
基本上create_image的流程算是简单了解了一下,其实我感觉openstack的网络才是最复杂的,现在我们还是用的VlanManager,但是我对iptables不太了解,不太懂NAT,SNAT各种,所以碰上浮动IP的问题,我有点不知道怎么调试,只能各种猜测(arp, tcpdump, tracepath)。
this all, done!
[The life of an OpenStack libvirt image]